M.Sc. Geodesy and Carthography
Specialisation: Mobile Mapping and Navigation Systems


Area of Studies

architecture, urban and regional planning



Degree (in English)


  • English
Course Duration

1,5 years

ECTS points



Warsaw University of Technology Faculty of Geodesy and Carthography

Application Deadline(s)

Middle of July

Course Description

Course Profile

The main aim of the program is to acquire knowledge in the field of collecting, processing, and analysis of the spatial data for the needs of modern navigation systems. You will learn the principles of designing, developing and using mobile measurement platforms and mobile mapping systems (MMS), how to design location-based systems (LBS) and navigation applications (GNSS, GNSS/INS) and how to choose appropriate techniques for acquiring spatial data (photogrammetry, remote sensing, computer vision). Furthermore, you will gain a comprehensive knowledge about outdoor (self-driving car, UAV) and indoor navigation systems. Finally, you will be trained on how to integrate and process the data from multiple sensors for navigation applications. You will create technologies of the future.

Education Requirements

Bachelor degree in Geodesy or similar
Good knowledge of English (appropriate certification required) - B2 equivalent
High score in subjects of topical fields


International Students Office
room 233, Main Building of WUT
E-mail: students.cwm@pw.edu.pl
Webpage: www.students.pw.edu.pl
Phone: +48 22 234 50 91, fax: +48 22 234 57 77
It is usually easier to contact us via email


Warsaw University of Technology


pl. Politechniki 1
00-661 Warsaw, Poland

phone: +48 22 234 61 50, +48 22 234 50 9,1 +48 22 234 14 60, +48 22 234 13 41
email: students.cwm@pw.edu.pl
www: http://www.pw.edu.pl

Study programmes