Представлені університети


Инициативы городов

Study in Poland - programme

Лодзький університет

address: ul. Narutowicza 68
90-136 Łódź, Польша
phone: +48 42 635 42 37
e-mail: iso@uni.lodz.pl    internet: www.iso.uni.lodz.pl

BA in International and Political Studies, specialization: Intercultural Communication




6 semesters (3 academic years)



ECTS points

183 ECTS


International Communications links the knowledge and skills based in cultural sciences, social, economic, historical and international relations. The program of speciality allows to obtain interdisciplinary humanistic education and prepare the student for second degree studies. Studies broaden the perception of the multiculturalism of the modern world and the multidimensionality of socio-cultural phenomena and processes, as well as explain the principles of functioning of national and international institutions dealing with broadly understood cultural issues. The speciality allows to broaden perception of cultural dimensions in the contemporary world, including issues related to research on identities (from local to global, from ethnic to national and transnational), multiculturalism, intercultural relations (including studies on diasporas, migration processes and the situation of indigenous peoples) ), cultural programming and gender studies. During the course students are given knowledge and skills in the field of culture in the international aspect, including knowledge about world literature, art, theater, film and knowledge in the field of social communication, media and marketing basics.


For the updated tuition fees, please visit: http://iso.uni.lodz.pl/study-in-english/tuition-fees/


15 July 2019


For questions about the studies please contact:
Faculty of International and Political Studies
ul. Składowa 43, 90-127 Łódź, Poland
tel.: +48 42 63 54 265
fax: +48 42 66 55 687
e-mail: interul@uni.lodz.pl
In matters related to the admission procedure please contact:
International Relations Office, University of Lodz
3 Uniwersytecka Str., 90-137 Lodz, Poland
Phone: +48 42 635 42 37
e-mail: admission@uni.lodz.pl www.iso.uni.lodz.pl




Faculty of International and Political Studies

education requirements

The following documents are required (among others):
(1) a high school diploma,
(2) a high school transcript of records showing passed subjects and obtained grades,
(3) a certificate of proficiency in English for foreigners (unless secondary education was taught in English).
For detailed information about the admission procedure please visit: www.iso.uni.lodz.pl