Universidades em destaque


Academic schools

Vocational schools

Study in Poland - programme

Warsaw University of Technology

address: pl. Politechniki 1
00-661 Warsaw, Poland
+48 22 234 50 91
(Studies in English)
+48 22 234 60 39
(Studies in Polish)
e-mail: students.cwm@pw.edu.pl     internet: www.pw.edu.pl

MSc in Power Engineering


Master of Science


4 semesters



ECTS points



The graduate is prepared for creative work and research within the field of control of processes occurring in power industry and related industries, energy conversion processes in power machines and equipment, as well as for conducting modernisation of machines and the implementation of new technologies, establishing small enterprises and their management. He/she is prepared to undertake third-degree studies (PhD studies) in power engineering and in related fields. From the second semester students must design an individual study plan for next semesters, which includes the obligatory courses, especially the specialization courses that must be repeated and possibly the courses included in the program for higher semesters of studies.




Application process for October intake (Winter Semester) starts in April and for February intake (begining of Spring Semester) starts in November


International Students Office
room 233, Main Building of WUT
E-mail: students.cwm@pw.edu.pl
Webpage: www.students.pw.edu.pl
Phone: +48 22 234 50 91, fax: +48 22 234 57 77
It is usually easier to contact us via email




Faculty of Power and Aernautical Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology

education requirements

Application fee: EU candidates 200 EUR, non-EU candidates 200 EUR
BSc diploma (or any other equivalent diploma)
Good knowledge of English (appropriate certification required) - B2 equivalent
High score in subjects of topical fields