MSc in Mathematics: specialization Application of Mathematics in Economics
4 semesterslanguage
EnglishECTS points
The Faculty of Mathematics and Applied Physics offers degree at the level of Master of Science (MSc), which requires two years of study including advanced courses and a Master's thesis. All credits cited are according to the European Community Course Credit Transfer System (ECTS).The Master's degree in Mathematics (in Applications of Mathematics in Economics) has a prescribed duration of two years of full-time study, corresponding to 120 ECTS credits.
The number of contact hours during the studies for a MSc degree is 1250.
A completed Master’s degree programme provides graduates with the title Master of Science in Mathematics.
In order to obtain a MSc degree the students are obliged to: complete the subjects included in the programme (120 ECTS credits), prepare and defend a MSc thesis.
4 x 1750 = 7 000 EuroAccepted candidates will be charged 200 Euro of administrative costs.
20th July or 15th February each yearcontact
Dorota Jakubczyk, PhD,e-mail:
The Faculty of Mathematics and Applied Physicseducation requirements
The BSc or equivalent degree in Mathematics and good English language skills are required. The admission decision will be undertaken by the selection committee.Study programmes
- BSc in Building and Engineering Structures
- BSc in Business Management in Global Environment
- BSc in Environmental Engineering
- BSc in Financial Management
- BSc in Management Business Enterprise
- BSc in Management: specialization Modern Marketing
- BSc in Project Management
- MSc in Aeronautics and Space Technology
- MSc in Building and Engineering Structures
- MSc in Chemical Engineering and Technology: specialization Organic Synthesis and Polymer Technology
- MSc in Computer Engineering: specialization Tele-Information Systems
- MSc in Computer Engineering: specializations Software Engineering
- MSc in Management
- MSc in Mathematics: specialization Application of Mathematics in Economics
- MSc in Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering: specialization Computer Aided Manufacturing Engineering