Университет в Бельско-Бялой
address: ul. Willowa 2
phone: +48 33 8279 356
e-mail: international@ath.bielsko.pl internet: rus.ath.bielsko.pl
phone: +48 33 8279 356
e-mail: international@ath.bielsko.pl internet: rus.ath.bielsko.pl
Master, LLM International and European Law
2 years/4 semesterslanguage
EnglishECTS points
Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics at the University of Wroclaw, with its roots at the beginning of the 16th century and Alma Mater of 9 Nobel Prize winners, has the honour to welcome you to LLM International and European Law, two years' Master program with specialisations:• International Business Law
• Modern Human Rights Law.
tuition Non-EU candidates:
1st. Year – 3350 Euro
2nd. year – 3200 Euro
EU candidates
2000 Euro / per year
non-EU citizens: August 15th, 2019EU citizens: Septemeber 15th, 2019
University of Wroclaweducation requirements
• certified copies of your Bachelor Diploma,• certified copies of your academic records,
• certified copies of your English proficiency, check the level here: https://international.uni.wroc.pl/en/study-english/entry-requirements/english-language-requirements
• CV (resume) and motivation letter
• a digital passport photo,
• a copy of the passport,
• a medical certificate,
• confirmation of payment registration fee on University account
Программы обучения
- Bachelor of Business and Administration (Specialisations: Business, Finance, Governance)
- Bachelor, Biotechnology
- Bachelor, Chemistry
- Bachelor, Classics and European Identity
- Bachelor, Criminal Justice
- Bachelor, English Philology
- Bachelor, European Cultures
- Bachelor, International Relations - Global Studies
- Bachelor, Political Science (4 specialisations)
- Master, Administration in International Organizations
- Master, Applied Geoscience
- Master, Chemistry
- Master, Communication Management - Image Communication (advertising, public relations, branding)
- Master, Empirical and Theoretical Linguistics
- Master, English Philology
- Master, European Studies
- Master, Global Communication
- Master, International Relations - Global Studies
- Master, Journalism and Social Communication
- Master, LLM International and European Law
- Master, Managerial Economics
- Master, Political Science (5 specialisations)
- Master, Public History
- Master, Sociology - Intercultural Mediation
- Master, Theoretical Physics
- Master, Tourism and Hospitality
- PhD, Political Science
- PhD, Sociology