Университет в Бельско-Бялой
address: ul. Willowa 2
phone: +48 33 8279 356
e-mail: international@ath.bielsko.pl internet: rus.ath.bielsko.pl
phone: +48 33 8279 356
e-mail: international@ath.bielsko.pl internet: rus.ath.bielsko.pl
Bachelor, Chemistry
3 years/6 semesterslanguage
EnglishECTS points
What kind of studiesGeneral chemistry will let you obtain extensive knowledge of chemistry. Thanks to lectures and laboratory classes, you will have the opportunity to gain vast knowledge of modern methods of chemical synthesis. You will also be acquainted with the state of the art physico-chemical methods, applied in the studies on the structure of compounds.
What do we offer
Graduates will be in possession of Bachelor's degree in chemistry. The curriculum includes subjects of chemistry and related sciences, such as physical and chemical measurement methods.
After graduation
Having completed this specialization, you will be able to work in laboratories on modern equipment, and in companies that use modern technologies, as well as research institutions and diagnostic laboratories. Graduates can also work in various industries and at universities.
Non-EU candidates:1st. Year – 3350 Euro
2nd. year – 3200 Euro
3rd. year – 3200 Euro
EU candidates
2000 Euro / per year
non-EU citizens: August 15th, 2019EU citizens: Septemeber 15th, 2019
University of Wroclaweducation requirements
• certified copies of your High School Diploma,• certified copies of your academic records,
• certified copies of your English proficiency, check the level here: https://international.uni.wroc.pl/en/study-english/entry-requirements/english-language-requirements
• CV (resume) and motivation letter
• a digital passport photo,
• a copy of the passport,
• a medical certificate,
• confirmation of payment registration fee on University account
Программы обучения
- Bachelor of Business and Administration (Specialisations: Business, Finance, Governance)
- Bachelor, Biotechnology
- Bachelor, Chemistry
- Bachelor, Classics and European Identity
- Bachelor, Criminal Justice
- Bachelor, English Philology
- Bachelor, European Cultures
- Bachelor, International Relations - Global Studies
- Bachelor, Political Science (4 specialisations)
- Master, Administration in International Organizations
- Master, Applied Geoscience
- Master, Chemistry
- Master, Communication Management - Image Communication (advertising, public relations, branding)
- Master, Empirical and Theoretical Linguistics
- Master, English Philology
- Master, European Studies
- Master, Global Communication
- Master, International Relations - Global Studies
- Master, Journalism and Social Communication
- Master, LLM International and European Law
- Master, Managerial Economics
- Master, Political Science (5 specialisations)
- Master, Public History
- Master, Sociology - Intercultural Mediation
- Master, Theoretical Physics
- Master, Tourism and Hospitality
- PhD, Political Science
- PhD, Sociology