Представленные университеты


Инициативы городов

Study in Poland - programme

Гданьский политехнический университет

address: ул. Г. Нарутовича 11/12
80-233 Гданьск,
Главный корпус, каб. 265
phone: +48 58 347 28 28
e-mail: studygut@pg.edu.pl    internet: www.pg.edu.pl/rus

MSc in Mechanical Engineering - Specialization: International Design Engineer


Master of Science in Engineering


1,5 years (3 semesters)



ECTS points



The major objective for students is to acquire theoretical knowledge in advanced topics in the area of mechanics and machine construction and operation, as well as practical expertise in the application of this knowledge. Graduates from this course will have a well-founded knowledge of the principles of mechanics, design and manufacturing with the aid of modern computational tools; be able to execute works aiding machine design and construction of materials, and carry out supervision of their operation; be fluent in utilizing modern engineering computer software and harnessing modern technologies; be able to undertake doctoral studies; be able to lead teams and companies; have the ability to utilize the acquired knowledge at work and in daily life; have the ability and skills needed to establish and manage small companies, as well as being familiar with the necessary legislation to run small and medium enterprises.
Career opportunities:
Graduates are qualified to work as:
• engineers in all branches of mechanical engineering as well as those focused on machine production and operation
• engineers in design, construction and technology units, as well as those dealing with organization of production and automation of manufacturing processes
• engineers in accreditation and quality assurance offices, commissioning offices of products and materials
• engineers in consultation units, and other units of administration, education and economy requiring technical and IT knowledge
• engineers in research and development units.


9 000 PLN per semester




E-mail: mailto:international@pg.edu.pl or studygut@pg.edu.pl
Phone number: +48 58 348 65 78 or +48 58 347 28 28
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/InternationalGdanskUniversityofTechnology/




Gdańsk University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

education requirements

Applicants should be graduates of Mechanical Engineering and related engineering courses.

modes of instruction
