Лодзький університет
address: ul. Narutowicza 68
90-136 Łódź, Польша
phone: +48 42 635 42 37
e-mail: iso@uni.lodz.pl internet: www.iso.uni.lodz.pl
90-136 Łódź, Польша
phone: +48 42 635 42 37
e-mail: iso@uni.lodz.pl internet: www.iso.uni.lodz.pl
BA in Mathematics, specialization: Financial Mathematics
BA in Mathematicsduration
6 semesters (3 academic years)language
EnglishECTS points
A graduate of mathematics with a specialization in Financial Mathematics is familiar with basic statistical methods, the fundamentals of microeconomics and insurance. She/he also gained the ability to use mathematical tools in insurance problems and data analysis. Graduates have the knowledge and skills to use databases, use spreadsheets and specialized software to perform calculations, experiments, simulations, and data analysis.These studies in particular prepare for the job of actuary. An actuary is a business professional who deals with the measurement and management of risk and uncertainty.
The main subjects are among others:
• Introduction to Insurance
• Microeconomics
• Pricing in Discrete Market Models
• Life Insurance Mathematics
• Non-Life Insurance
For the updated tuition fees, please visit: http://iso.uni.lodz.pl/study-in-english/tuition-fees/deadline
15 July 2019contact
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of LodzAddress: ul. Banacha 22, 90-238 Łódź, Poland
Phone: +48 42 635 59 49
Fax: +48 42 635 42 66
E-mail: facmath@math.uni.lodz.pl
In matters related to the admission procedure please contact:
International Students Office
University of Lodz
Address: ul. Uniwersytecka 3
90-137 Lodz, Poland
Phone: +48 42 635 42 37,
Fax: + 48 42 635 47 89
e-mail: admission@uni.lodz.pl www.iso.uni.lodz.pl
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Lodzeducation requirements
The following documents are required (among others):(1) a high school diploma,
(2) a high school transcript of records showing passed subjects and obtained grades,
(3) a certificate of proficiency in English for foreigners (unless secondary education was taught in English).
For detailed information about the admission procedure please visit: www.iso.uni.lodz.pl
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- BA in Management and Finance
- BA in Mathematics, specialization: Financial Mathematics
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