Університет Миколая Коперника
address: вул. Гагаріна 11
87-100 Торунь, Польща
phone: +48 56 611 49 49
e-mail: studywithus@umk.pl internet: https://www.umk.pl/kandydaci/cudzoziemcy/w-jezyku-polskim/
87-100 Торунь, Польща
phone: +48 56 611 49 49
e-mail: studywithus@umk.pl internet: https://www.umk.pl/kandydaci/cudzoziemcy/w-jezyku-polskim/
MA in East and Central European Studies
Master of Artsduration
2 years, full-timelanguage
EnglishECTS points
East and Central European Studies (MA) programme offers a combination of specialised studies covering the whole area of Eastern and Central Europe (ECE), from Russia to Greece.The students can choose their own educational path, corresponding to their academic interests. The innovative courses taught within the programme reflect the research conducted by the Faculty scholars at international academic standards and in cooperation with leading research and teaching centres both in Poland and around the world.
5000 PLN/semesterdeadline
Will be available in due timecontact
Nicolaus Copernicus UniversityDepartment of International Cooperation
ul. Gagarina 11, 87-100 Toruń, Poland
e-mail: e-mail studywithncu@umk.pl
Contact person:
Mrs. Agata Wiśniewska
tel. (+48 56) 611 22 30 e-mail: a_wis@umk.pl
Mr. Pavlo Barskiy
tel. (+48 56) 611 22 30 e-mail: pavlobarskiy@umk.pl
The Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruńeducation requirements
https://www.umk.pl/en/admissions/in_english/documents/Програми навчання
- Medicine (6-year MD Programme)
- BA in English Studies
- BA in Management
- BA in Tourism Management
- BSc in Chemistry
- BSc in Nursing
- MA in East and Central European Studies
- MA in Economics
- MA in English Studies
- MA in Global Change Biology
- MA in Management
- MSc in Chemistry
- MSc in Environmental Protection
- MSc in Laboratory Medicine
- MSc in Mathematics
- MSc in Physiotherapy