Представлені університети


Инициативы городов

Study in Poland - programme

Лодзький політехнічний університет

address: 116 Żeromskiego Street
90-924 Lodz, Poland
phone: +48 42 631 21 37
e-mail: foreignstudents@info.p.lodz.pl    internet: www.p.lodz.pl

BSc in Computer Science


Bachelor of Science


3,5 years (7 semesters)



ECTS points



Computer Science provides the students with wide knowledge on design, implementation, management and maintenance of computer systems, computer networks and information processing. The syllabus includes also subjects such as electronics and digital techniques, which are necessary to obtain versatile education in computer science. Modes of instruction: Lectures, tutorials, laboratory work, group projects (project based learning), seminars Cooperating institutions/int'l partners: Fachhochschule Vorarlberg GmbH, Austria University of Southern Denmark, Denmark Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain Fontys University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands Instituto Politecnico de Coimbra, Portugal North East Wales Institute of Higher Education, UK Scholarships: Students may apply for scholarships under the Erasmus Programme


8000 PLN per semester


From 03rd of June till 15th of July


International Cooperation Centre
36 Zwirki St., 90-539 Lodz, Poland
e-mail: foreignstudents@info.p.lodz.pl
tel: +48 42 638 38 64


www.p.lodz.pl, www.rekrutacja.p.lodz.pl


International Faculty of Engineering, Lodz University of Technology

education requirements

Candidates have to hold a legalized maturity certificate or another foreign document that entitles one to continue education at the university level. Very good knowledge of English. Candidates holding Polish maturity certificates, for English language, have to obtain min. 60% of the points at the advanced level.

other requirements

Very good knowledge of English. Candidates holding Polish maturity certificates, for English language, have to obtain min. 60% of the points at the advanced level.