Познанський університет ім. А. Міцкевича
address: ul. Wieniawskiego 1
61-712 Poznań, Poland
phone: +48 61 829 43 85, +48 61 829 44 75
e-mail: dwzuam@amu.edu.pl internet: www.international.amu.edu.pl
61-712 Poznań, Poland
phone: +48 61 829 43 85, +48 61 829 44 75
e-mail: dwzuam@amu.edu.pl internet: www.international.amu.edu.pl
Inter-University Programme of Interdisciplinary PhD Studies at the 'Artes Liberales' Academy
no longer than 4 yearslanguage
This programme is a new form of inter-university and interdisciplinary education. It is addressed to graduates of interdisciplinary studies. The aim of the programme is to develop an interdisciplinary approach in humanities research and educate research and teaching staff. The programme serves to promote doctoral dissertations having two supervisors from different humanities disciplines and different universities within the “Artes Liberales” Academy. The result of studying in this form of education should be an interdisciplinary doctoral dissertation and its defense at one of the universities participating in the ”Artes Liberales” Academy.contact
AMU Coordinator:Prof. Kazimierz Ilski
AMU Institute of History
Św. Marcin 78
61-809 Poznań, Poland
Phone: +48 61 829 48 21
E-mail: ilskikaz@amu.edu.pl
AMU Institute of HistoryПрограми навчання
- B.A. in English - specialization: Literature and Culture
- B.A. in English Linguistics: Theories, Interfaces, Technologies
- B.A. in International Relations
- B.SC. in Computer Technologies
- BA in European and Balkan Studies
- Environmental Management at CAU and Environmental Protection at AMU
- M.A in Cultural Studies: Intercultural Communication
- M.A. in Balkan Studies
- M.A. in English – International Relations
- M.A. in English Philology – specialization: Theatre and Drama
- M.A. in Ethnology - Specialization: Cultural Differences and Transnational Process
- M.A. in Journalism and Social Communication, Specialization: New Media
- M.A. in Mediterraean Studies
- M.A. in Public Governance, Specialization: Good Governance and Civil Society
- M.Sc in Biotechnology
- M.Sc in Chemistry
- M.Sc. in Environmental Protection
- MA in Mathematics
- MA in Philology – Empirical Linguistics and Language Documentation
- MaMaSelf Master in Material Science
- MSc in Physics of Advanced Materials for Energy Processing - PAMEP
- Poles and Germans in Europe
- SERP-Chem
- Inter-University Programme of Interdisciplinary PhD Studies at the 'Artes Liberales' Academy
- PhD programme in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology