Познанський університет ім. А. Міцкевича
address: ul. Wieniawskiego 1
61-712 Poznań, Poland
phone: +48 61 829 43 85, +48 61 829 44 75
e-mail: dwzuam@amu.edu.pl internet: www.international.amu.edu.pl
61-712 Poznań, Poland
phone: +48 61 829 43 85, +48 61 829 44 75
e-mail: dwzuam@amu.edu.pl internet: www.international.amu.edu.pl
Environmental Management at CAU and Environmental Protection at AMU
4 semesterslanguage
EnglishECTS points
minimum 120 + 30 ECTS from the host Universitydescription
Program for students from Adam Mickiewicz University (AMU, Poland) and Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel Kiel University (CAU, Germany).Students are enrolled in Environmental Management at CAU and Environmental Protection at AMU.
The German component of the program is designed to offer interdisciplinary education, which enables graduates to develop complex, efficient and sustainable management concepts to solve current and future environmental problems.
The Polish component of the program is designed for those who want to become experts in identification and evaluation of the biotic components of ecosystems in accordance with the current rules and regulations of national and European laws.
no tuition for students enrolled at AMU or CAUdeadline
• The first recruitment step is to submit a set of required documents till August 22nd• The second recruitment step is an interview – August 28th
AMU Poznan, Poland / CAU Kiel, Germanyeducation requirements
A Bachelor’s degree in a related discipline.Proof of good English competencies, IELTS 6,5 or higher
other requirements
Master ThesisПрограми навчання
- B.A. in English - specialization: Literature and Culture
- B.A. in English Linguistics: Theories, Interfaces, Technologies
- B.A. in International Relations
- B.SC. in Computer Technologies
- BA in European and Balkan Studies
- Environmental Management at CAU and Environmental Protection at AMU
- M.A in Cultural Studies: Intercultural Communication
- M.A. in Balkan Studies
- M.A. in English – International Relations
- M.A. in English Philology – specialization: Theatre and Drama
- M.A. in Ethnology - Specialization: Cultural Differences and Transnational Process
- M.A. in Journalism and Social Communication, Specialization: New Media
- M.A. in Mediterraean Studies
- M.A. in Public Governance, Specialization: Good Governance and Civil Society
- M.Sc in Biotechnology
- M.Sc in Chemistry
- M.Sc. in Environmental Protection
- MA in Mathematics
- MA in Philology – Empirical Linguistics and Language Documentation
- MaMaSelf Master in Material Science
- MSc in Physics of Advanced Materials for Energy Processing - PAMEP
- Poles and Germans in Europe
- SERP-Chem
- Inter-University Programme of Interdisciplinary PhD Studies at the 'Artes Liberales' Academy
- PhD programme in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology