Представлені університети


Инициативы городов

Study in Poland - programme

Ягеллонський університет

address: ul. Gołębia 24,
31-007 Kraków, Poland
phone: +48 12 663 14 01/1408/1441/14 81
e-mail: rekrutacja@uj.edu.pl    internet: www.rekrutacja.uj.edu.pl

MA in TransAtlantic Studies




2 years (4 semesters)



ECTS points



The Master in Cultural Studies, speciality TransAtlantic Studies (TAS) is a comprehensive, full-time interdisciplinary graduate programme. It is directed primarily to foreign students who would like to study in Krakow. The programme, taught entirely in English, focuses on various aspects of transatlantic relations. Graduates from the programme will receive a diploma in cultural studies with a major in TransAtlantic Studies. During four semesters of studies students are obliged to earn 120 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System).


2500 EUR/year


Please contact the unit.


Institute of American Studies and Polish Diaspora
Rynek Główny 34, pok. 7a
31-010 Kraków
+48 12 429 61 57




Faculty of International and Political Studies

education requirements

Persons eligible to apply for the programme are the holders of a higher education diploma (at least undergraduate) in any field.
Additional formal requirement: documented command of English language on the level specified by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (does not apply to English native speakers or graduates from study programmes where English was the language of instruction), or obtaining a confirmation from the university unit responsible for the programme stating that candidate’s language command is sufficient for undertaking studies. List of selected documents confirming knowledge of English, recognized by the Jagiellonian University, is published at www.rekrutacja.uj.edu.pl website in Downloads. Candidates will be placed on the ranking list according to their registration date and time determined by clicking on the „Register now” button within the scheduled registration period.