Study in Poland represents a multi-year programme promoting Polish higher education and attracting international students to Poland. The programme officially initiated by the Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland and the “Perspektywy” Education Foundation in May 2005 consists of information and promotion activities. It also encourages Polish universities to increase number of studies offered in English and other international languages.
The Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland (CRASP) is a voluntary association of rectors representing Polish institutions of higher education with the right to award doctor's (Ph.D.) degrees (or equivalent) in at least one scientific discipline. CRASP was founded on 7 June 1997 by rectors of universities, technical universities, institutions of agriculture, pedagogy, economics, medicine, and fine arts. Currently, CRASP has 107 members and 4 associated members. The Conference of Rectors of Public Vocational Schools (KRePSZ) has the status of an associated conference.
CRASP safeguards traditional academic values, including the constitutional principle of higher education institutions autonomy which guarantees the right of these institutions to present their positions on all issues of interest to the academic community. The Conference is governed by the Statutes adopted on 24 September 2005 and amended on 14 November 2005 and then on 13 October 2006 by the Plenary Assembly of CRASP. The aims of CRASP are: to inspire and co-ordinate the co-operation of the academic schools in Poland; to undertake activities leading to establishment of an integrated system of national education and to the development of the system of higher education; to represent the interests of higher education and science, and the common interests of its member schools, including the selection of their representatives to international associations of rectors or universities.
„Perspektywy” Education Foundation is an independent, non-profit organization established June 1st , 1998 to promote and support education in Poland. The Board of Foundation consists mostly of rectors of Polish universities.
The activities of the “Perspektywy” Foundation concentrate around promotion of Polish higher education internationally. The Foundation collaborates closely with the Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland (CRASP). In 2005 both sides initiated a multi-year programme of promotion of Polish universities called Study in Poland, and in June 2007 signed formal agreement underlining the importance of internationalization of Polish higher education.
The “Perspektywy” Foundation organizes public debates and seminars on education and does a yearly national ranking of universities, and a ranking of best secondary schools in the country.
The Foundation regularly publishes and distributes electronically to all higher education institutions in Poland a Newsletter on higher education in other countries and on the process of internationalization.
The “Perspektywy” Foundation is a member of the Academic Cooperation Association (ACA) and actively participates in its projects.