Wroclaw University of Economics and Business
Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu
International Cooperation Center
Wroclaw University of Economics & Business
ul. Komandorska 118/120
53-345 Wrocław
Building A, room 17, 18 and 16, 27 (Erasmus)
phone +48 71 36 80 836
e-mail: international@ue.wroc.pl
phone +48 795 418 615
email enrolment@ue.wroc.pl
www www.uew.pl/en/

Wroclaw University of Economics and Business (WUEB) is a state university, founded in 1947, proud of its long tradition of high quality education. Today, Wroclaw University of Economics and Business is ranked among the top economic schools of higher education in Poland, an important center of education, science, and research. Its activities are aimed at maintaining and strengthening the position of the University on regional, national, European, and international levels.
Altogether it employs about 600 academic teachers. There is strong interest in economic studies. The University has over 10 000 students, among them 420 come from abroad.
The students can choose from 21 majors taught in Polish and 5 in English. The University also offers PhD Program and dozens postgraduates programmes, either general or suited for specific needs.
The University is authorized to run an Executive MBA (EMBA) Program for graduates, which is available in a Polish or English. WUEB’s EMBA Program is organized in conjunction with universities from Belgium, France, Ireland.
According to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education report of the year 2020, WUEB was placed first among the most frequently chosen economic universities in Poland (maintaining the leading position since 2009).
Facts & figures
- Over 75 years of experience
- 16 accreditations
- 100 000 graduates
- 27 programmes
- 80 postgraduate majors
International Co-operation Office:
ul. Komandorska 118/120, 53-345 Wrocław, Poland
phone: +48 71 36 80 836, fax. +48 71 35 72 784