Lublin University of Technology
Politechnika Lubelska
tel.: + 48 81 538 4135, + 48 81 538 4703
phone +48 81 538 4135, +48 81 538 4703

Lublin University of Technology is a major education centre and an advisory unit in the city of Lublin, capital of Lublin Province, located in south eastern part of Poland – a lovely green country, including 2 national parks and 17 landscape parks.
The university actively participates in social and economic life, thus playing an important role in integrating and creating culture. Its scientific and educational activities significantly contribute to the development of the region.
Currently LUT employs over 1100 staff, including over 560 academic teachers, and 8000 students study at the university at six faculties: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Faculty of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Management, Faculty of Mathematics and Information Technology and Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
Eastern Innovation Centre of Architecture creates educational research basis and innovative laboratories for IT technologies used in architecture, urban and spatial planning, while Central Laboratory of Implementation supplies specialized equipment for conducting certified research and measurement work.
LUT offers full-time studies in English and more than 200 courses for exchange students conducted in English. Moreover, app. 900 international students study at LUT in Polish. Teaching programs at LUT aim at an interdisciplinary approach. We offer a broad curriculum, including many of the traditional academic fields and a wide range of modular courses.
Graduates of full time bachelor studies receive the university degree of engineer, engineer architect, bachelor or equivalent, which entitles them to start work or continue studies in the framework of master’s programme. Graduates of master’s studies receive MSc, MSc engineer, MSc engineer architect degree or equivalent, and can continue education at doctoral studies.
Student Facilities
The faculties, library, halls of residence and other student facilities are all on one campus which is located close to the city centre. LUT has four Halls of Residence – students are usually offered triple rooms with direct Internet access. Among other facilities for students there are also cafeterias, a modern canteen, a newly renovated Sports Centre, a library and a student’s club.
Facts & figures
Founded in 1953
over 560 academic staff
over 8000 students
app. 900 foreign students (full degree and exchange studies)
tel.: + 48 81 538 4135, + 48 81 538 4703