Warsaw University of Technology

Politechnika Warszawska


pl. Politechniki 1
00-661 Warsaw, Poland

phone +48 22 234 5091, +48 22 234 6150, +48 22 234 1015
email students.cwm@pw.edu.pl
www www.pw.edu.pl
Online Recruitment System

Warsaw University of Technology is the oldest Polish technical university. For over 180 years, it has been educating generations of engineers, thereby making a significant contribution to the development of technical sciences. University authorities and academic teachers guarantee a high level of education. New fields of study are launched, new laboratories created, cooperation with the industry and foreign centres is developed. Warsaw University of Technology is the place where tradition meets modernity.


Research and development activities conducted at Warsaw University of Technology are the answer to the challenges of modern science and economy. Technology transfer, i.e. offering research results along with their specific applications, makes the position of the University stronger as a centre of innovation and entrepreneurship. Warsaw University of Technology supports not only Polish innovators, changing their inventive ideas into firms, but it also makes contacts with national and foreign companies. The University puts into life the idea of engineering of moving from the idea to economic practice.


The Warsaw University of Technology is an academic institution of higher learning, shaping the future social elites ― educated people with a broad outlook on the world, conscious of their own views but also understanding and respecting the world views of others. The University not only gives shape to the minds of its student but also forges their characters, awakens in them the kind of creative attitudes engineers should display, furnishing them not only with knowledge but also with skills. Knowledge is best imparted by those who actively expand it, and skills passed on by those who had to learn them through practice.


All students and staff, together and separately, are required to safeguard the good reputation of the Warsaw University of Technology. Such is the tradition of the University, passed on from generation to generation. The Warsaw University of Technology staff are expected to spare no time in looking after their undergraduate and postgraduate students, to keep up credibility of the written and spoken word, and have regard for the reputation of the University when conducting their scientific research. The students are required to honestly apply themselves to their studies and properly represent their University at all times, both within and beyond its walls. The Warsaw University of Technology maintains ties with its graduates, expecting them to demonstrate dignified attitudes in professional and public life.


Creative attitudes cannot develop and be passed on to future generations without freedom. The Warsaw University of Technology must thus remain an autonomous institution of learning. The University makes use of its autonomy to determine and implement its own strategy and development policy, all the while respecting the requirement of openness in the public domain. Autonomy offers rights but also brings obligations and responsibility.


The Warsaw University of Technology works in partnership with other higher education institutions in Warsaw which are particularly close to it in nature. Together, these schools strive to provide a mutually complementary educational and research package. The Warsaw University of Technology also boasts a rich tradition in cooperation with other academic centers, in Poland and abroad. Such cooperation is becoming increasingly important in the face of accelerating civilizational changes worldwide. The Warsaw University of Technology, recognized in Europe and around the world, is steadily increasing its contribution to international educational and research projects.

Together with six other European technical universities WUT forms the ENHANCE consortium - the European Universities of Technology Alliance. The project aims to strengthen the integration between the universities and enable an increased international exchange for students, teachers and researchers.


Facts & figures

established in 1826

over 2,500 academic staff

about 20,000 students

over 1,800 international students


International Students Office
  • students.cwm@pw.edu.pl
  • +48 22 234 5091/14 60
  • +48 22 234 5091/6150/1015



    Studies in English:

     (+48) 22 234 5091

    (+48) 22 234 6150

    +48 22 234 1015

     Studies in Polish:

    +48 22 234 6039

Study programmes