We cordially invite you to the "Study in Poland" annual consultation meeting, which will be held on July 10 in Warsaw, from 10:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. The host of the meeting - organized every year by the CRASP Committee for International Cooperation and the Perspektywy Education Foundation - is the SGH Warsaw School of Economics.

Traditionally, the aim of the meeting is to summarize the implementation of the "Study in Poland" program in the past academic year, adopt an action plan for 2024/25 and subsequent years, especially in relation to key recruitment markets, as well as discuss current problems in the area of ​​internationalization.

Strategic dimension

This year's meeting will be of particular importance in the context of the "White Book" published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the actions necessary to eliminate irregularities in the Polish visa system, which raised numerous questions and doubts among many representatives of universities and the management of CRASP, which was reflected in the position of the CRASP Presidium of May 24 this year (see "Documents" section).

This problem will be discussed during a two-part session titled "The White Book of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and student visas - facts and myths", with the participation of prof. Arkadiusz Mężyk, chairman of CRASP, rector of the Silesian University of Technology and prof. Jerzy Lis, chairman of the CRASP Committee for International Cooperation, rector of AGH University of Krakow. We invited the authors of the "White Book" and the authorities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as representatives of the Parliament of the Republic of Poland, ministries (including the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the Ministry of Interior and Administration), the Office for Foreigners, the Polish Border Guard, National Information Processing Institute – National Research Institute, as well as the heads of institutions and organizations supporting internationalization (NAWA, Perspektywy, IROs).

The first part will present reports reflecting the current state of internationalization in Poland and the characteristics of visa and border traffic in this regard. In the second part, which will be a panel debate, we will discuss the challenges and threats facing the internationalization of Polish higher education in the near and long term.

In the third part of the conference, we will discuss the most promising recruitment markets and present a plan for travel, recruitment, promotional, training and conference activities during the academic year 2024/25.

The detailed program of the conference will be published on the website: www.studyinpoland.pl/narada2024

Meeting place: SGH, Warsaw, al. Niepodległości 128, building C (corner of Madalińskiego street)

See You in Warsaw!

Prof. Jerzy Lis, chairman of the CRASP Committee for International Cooperation, rector of AGH University of Krakow
Prof. Piotr Wachowiak, rector of the SGH Warsaw School of Economics
Waldemar Siwiński, founder of "Perspektywy" Education Foundation

The invitation is open - it is addressed primarily to universities participating in the "Study in Poland" program, but also to other academic universities, CRASP members, that are interested in joining the SiP program.
Online registration is required via the conference website: www.studyinpoland.pl/narada2024
Deadline for applications: July 3, 2024, at 15:00.

Additional information:
Julia Łysik, director of international affairs of the Perspektywy Education Foundation, coordinator of the "Study in Poland" program.
22 821 90 27, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.