EMBA – Executive MBA, IMBA – International MBA


Area of Studies

other areas of study



Degree (in English)


  • English

Warsaw University of Technology

Tuition and Other Fees

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Application Deadline(s)

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Course Description

Course Profile

Business School The WUT Business School was established in 1991, as the result of a joint initiative of Warsaw University of Technology and three other internationally-recognised academic institutions: London Business School, HEC School of Management Paris and the Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration (Bergen). Since then, it has been continually extending and developing its educational offer. The idea underlying the creation of the School was to build a strong centre for managerial education, based on the experience and resources of the four founding institutions. During that time, the School launched several programmes which aim at meeting the needs of the developing Polish economy, and providing generations of graduates with challenging new career opportunities in both, engineering and management. Development of a high-level managerial education at technical universities is a worldwide phenomenon. On the one hand, the managers need more skills in the area of modern technology. On the other hand, the engineers need more knowledge about economics and management. The WUT Business School offers all these features in its programmes. The graduates of the School are well-educated and well-equipped to deal with the problems of the modern, complex world. Thanks to the acquired knowledge and skills, they are perfectly prepared to compete successfully on the labour market created by the enlarging European Union.
EMBA – Executive MBA
The Executive MBA is a two-year, part-time postgraduate programme (752 hours) taught in English, and divided into nine blocks of subjects and business projects, as well as a preparatory course in Mathematics and Business English. The Executive MBA is designed to address the needs of professional managers. It aims to enhance their business skills and offers access to the rapidly expanding business network. Teaching is based on intensive lecturing at weekends with follow-up work performed in student’s own time. The lectures are held 2-3 weekends per month (Friday to Sunday or on Saturdays and Sundays). EMBA requirements: master degree and at least three years of documented professional experience.
IMBA - International MBA
The International MBA is a one-year, full-time programme (1000 hours) taught in English, divided into nine blocks of subjects, business projects, and a preparatory course in Mathematics and Business English. Lectures are held Monday to Friday. This programme is designed for young graduates who want to obtain MBA degree, and helps to shape one of the most important channels through which talented young people launch their management careers. Participants graduating from master degree studies must have at least 1 year of professional experience prior to the beginning of the programme. Applicants graduating from bachelor programmes are eligible if the candidate has at least 5 years of documented professional experience and has worked for at least two years outside of Poland within this period.

Education Requirements

Contact the Unit


Business School
Warsaw University of Technology
Address: ul. Koszykowa 79,
02-008 Warsaw, Poland
Phone: +48 22 70 15, +48 22 70 89
E-mail: lucyna.zielonka@biznes.edu.pl;


Warsaw University of Technology


pl. Politechniki 1
00-661 Warsaw, Poland

phone: +48 22 234 5091, +48 22 234 6150, +48 22 234 1015
email: students.cwm@pw.edu.pl
www: http://www.pw.edu.pl

Study programmes