Master Degree in Forestry, Specialization: Forest Information Technology


Area of Studies

agricultural sciences



Degree (in English)

Master Master (two diplomas – from SGGW and EUSD)

  • English
Course Duration

4 semesters

ECTS points



Faculty of Forestry

Tuition and Other Fees

International candidates

Polish candidates

No fee – study based on International Agreement

Application Deadline(s)

International candidates: recruited by the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development, Germany. Applications are processed by UNI-ASSIST. Polish candidates:

Course Description

Course Profile

Aim of the program

The international Master study programme “Forest Information Technology (FIT)” is an interdisciplinary, bilateral, programme taught at the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development and the Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW in Poland. The M.Sc. program focuses on environmental information technologies (EIS) and Green IT such as Machine Learning technologies, applied programming and databases, forest ecosystem modelling, remote sensing and geographic information systems. With an interdisciplinary approach, the study programme offers conceptual knowledge about sustainable forest ecosystems combined with innovative IT -technical solutions to address a range of issues, from local forest management to global climate change. Since its start in 2005, the FIT is continuously accredited in Germany by ASIIN and in Poland by PKA.

Main mandatory subjects

1 Year

1st Semester: Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development; covers principles of innovative Forest-IT and environmental information technology (main mandatory subjects: Geomatics, Data Analysis & Management).

2nd Semester: Warsaw University of Life Sciences; focuses on the application of information technologies (IT) in forest and environment related subjects and forest management topics (main mandatory subjects: Geomatics, Data Analysis & Management, Operational Forestry).

2 Year

3rd Semester: During the 3rd semester at either location FIT students pursue an independent research project framed by a range of elective modules topics (main mandatory subjects: Research project, Operational Forestry).

4th Semester: During the 4th semester at either location students work on their Master thesis supplemented by further elective modules main mandatory subjects: Master thesis & defense, Student Research Colloquium).

Internship, practice The possibility of implementing an internship (e.g. in research units) as a part of research project.

Career prospects

Graduated FIT students are ready to compete on a diversified but also on a highly specialized job market of Green IT and environmental data analytics, natural resource management and applied research in the forest and environmental sector in Europe or beyond. FIT graduates hold a double degree certificate from two European higher Education Institutes, the Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development and the Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW. Both certificates enable entering various European and international job markets with a focus digital technologies or sustainable natural resource management and empirical ecological research using digital data and forest and environmental management, ecological consultancy and others. Master certificates issued by the two universities are an accepted prerequisite for continuing your studies as a PhD student or entering any other doctoral degree program.

Education Requirements

Entry requirements:

- diploma of the first-cycle studies (Bachelor’s degree or equivalent) in the field of forestry,

-diploma of related field of the first cycle studies, for which the effects of education are convergent with the learning outcomes expected of the candidates; if the convergence is incomplete, the student will be obliged to supplement the competence gaps by completing the subjects specified during the interview, in an amount not exceeding 30 ECTS, which is the limit of admissible discrepancy (Candidates permanently living outside Poland, who cannot come personally to interview, will be qualified on the basis of the documentation),

- in the case of the number of candidates exceeding the admission limit

- the average grade from first-cycle studies is taken in to account;

- confirmed knowledge of English (certificate of English language at least level B2).


International candidates

Polish candidates

Student Affairs Office:

Faculty Coordinator:
