BSc Gestion et Technologie


Area of Studies

engineering, technology



Degree (in English)

Bachelor of Science

  • English
  • French
Course Duration

4 years (8 semesters)

ECTS points



Lodz University of Technology, International Faculty of Engineering

Tuition and Other Fees

8000 PLN per semester (approx. 1800 EUR)

Application fee - 85 PLN (approx. 20 EUR; non-refundable)

Application Deadline(s)

June/July For details check:

Course Description

Course Profile

The programme Gestion et Technologie educates managerial staff in conditions of high competitiveness, globalization and dynamically changing environment, which requires shaping new competences related to broadly understood process improvement. Students learn to use management instruments, conduct research to gain knowledge about the market and communicate with the environment, with emphasis on the possibility of using modern technologies. Knowledge and skills in management, marketing, economics, finance, computer-aided, technology and technology, as well as graduate education in general engineering knowledge in the field of a selected production area, will give the student competences required for the effective performance of managerial tasks at all levels of management in various sectors of the economy.

The Gestion de Technologie course as a bilingual course, run in French and in English, meets the essential and real needs of the development of a modern market economy. The first semester is taught entirely in English with an intensive French language course. From the second semester, French is the primary language of instruction. Education in French enables the preparation of staff meeting the expectations of foreign investors and able to cooperate with organizations on an international scale. The study program focuses on training of professional and creative staff prepared to act in economic and social life in the era of global economy and multicultural environment.

The Gestion et Technologie programme is based on the latest, innovative education models based on the experience of the best universities in the world, including Design Thinking, Problem Based Learning and Flipped Education, and a significant advantage of the education process will be the participation in the education process of a large group of experts from business practice.

Each student of Gestion et Technologie as part of the study program, completes the 6th semester - "Mobility Semester" - at a university abroad. Additionally, the student has the opportunity to participate in the Double Diploma program and earn two diplomas at once: one from Lodz University of Technology and one from a partner university.   


Information Technology 1

Material Science

Gestion et organization

Processus de fabrication

Gestion de la production

Projet en groupe

Gestion de ressources humaines

Systémes informatiques dans la fabrication

Construction assistée par l'ordinateur

Technologie de l'information 2


Droit des affaires

Education Requirements

Candidates have to hold a legalized secondary school certificate or another foreign document that entitles one to continue education at the university level. Candidates holding Polish secondary school certificates, for French language, have to obtain min. 60% of the points at the advanced level.

List of grades required for entry is available on our website: 

Other Requirements

List of accepted international language certificates is also available on our website:


International Cooperation Centre

36 Zwirki St., 90-539 Lodz, Poland


tel: +48 42 638 38 64
