MA in Modern Languages - Empirical Linguistics and Language Documentation


Area of Studies

languages and philological sciences



Degree (in English)


  • English
Course Duration

2 years


Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań

Tuition and Other Fees

Tuition Fee 0 PLN

Application Deadline(s)


Course Description

Course Profile

The MA programme in Empirical Linguistics and Language Documentation is intended for students with a genuine interest in languages and linguistics. It provides knowledge and skills necessary for documenting languages according to 21st century standards as well as access to research methods in empirical linguistics and their application in various fields of practice.

The Graduate profile addresses the rising world demand for language documentation as well as gathering, processing and sharing language resources being the mainstream issue of rapidly developing digital humanities.

The teachers in this programme are experienced researchers working at the Institute of Linguistics and the Chair of Oriental Studies, within the Faculty of Modern Languages and Literatures. Previous cooperation among members of the staff includes the development of an educational website teaching about linguistic diversity and language documentation ( and the compilation of a data base presenting lesser used languages that constitute Poland’s linguistic heritage (

Selected study areas

  • English for academic purposes
  • Language typology and descriptive linguistics
  • Methods and applications: Sociolinguistics
  • Statistics for linguistic analyses
  • Spoken Language Analysis
  • Language Typology and Descriptive Linguistics
  • Statistics for Linguistics Analysis
  • Methods and Aplications

Degree course assets

Additional lectures provide further possibilities to acquire knowledge and skills in topics chosen by the student;

A Foreign Language other than English is taught over the whole cycle and can be chosen from the offer at the Institute of Linguistics (in some cases it will be possible to take the language classes in other departments). Students are especially encouraged to study a lesser taught language.

Classes in English for Academic Purposes help students better understand academic texts in English and provides them with the necessary skills to present their own research in speaking and writing.

The MA Seminar accompanies the students over the two years in the process of doing research and writing a thesis. In the first semester students are introduced to research methods in linguistics and learn how to design a study and find a topic for their thesis. After that, students will develop their research in small groups with a supervisor.

Work opportunities

Education conducted entirely in English allows students to improve their language skills and competences as well as prepares them to work as part of International teams. Our course main learning objective is to apply theoretical knowledge in practice.

Education Requirements

Set of documents

  • photo file which will be used when generating the personal questionnaire
  • a scan of university diploma


Student's Affair Office, email:

Address: al. Niepodległości 4

+61 829 29 25


Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań


ul. Wieniawskiego 1
61-712 Poznań, Poland

phone: +48 61 829 4434, +48 61 829 4442

Study programmes