BA in English Studies: Literature and Culture


Area of Studies

languages and philological sciences



Degree (in English)


  • English
ECTS points



Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań (Faculty of English)

Tuition and Other Fees

Tuition Fee 3000 PLN

Application Deadline(s)


Course Description

Course Profile

English Studies: Literature and Culture is an interdisciplinary program concentrating on various forms of culture and cultural phenomena. A B.A. in English Studies: Literature and Culture will equip the students with an ability to analyze broadly defined culture, along with its signs and symbols, as well as to develop essential skills to interpret cultural artifacts. The students will acquire ‘cultural literacy’, which will allow them to explore freely and respond more knowledgeably to the growing complexities of the modern world. The students will be able to build their expertise in the culture of English-speaking countries such as the United States of America, the United Kingdom, Canada or Australia, which for cultural, economic and political reasons still maintain their dominant position and are considered influential actors in the international arena. Most importantly, the students will also have a chance to develop their linguistic competence and communication skills necessary for the exchange of ideas related to the socio-political and cultural realms of the countries in question.

Selected study areas

The program includes courses in information technology, modern humanities or digital humanities. Overall, English Studies: Literature and Culture fosters critical, creative and unconventional thinking deemed in need in the contemporary world.

Work opportunities

With their knowledge of the lingua franca of the modern world, graduates of the Faculty of English are ready to take up the challenges today's world presents and can readily upgrade their skills autonomously. WA educates students to handle cross cultural communication successfully and without prejudice. They are also trained to be open to other languages, multilingualism, the equality of societies, languages and cultures. A sense of tolerance and respect for foreign languages and cultures makes it easy for our graduates to establish new contacts with people from all around the world.

Graduates of the Faculty of English are open to interdisciplinarity in education, science and other fields. WA trains students to perform specific jobs but their career choices are by no means limited. WA graduates are specialists in Modern Humanities, experts in linguistics, literature and culture, who can work well in a team and who are open to knowledge from different fields without creating artificial divisions or barriers. Our graduates are ready to work for the benefit of their society – in science, education, medicine, media, business, politics and many other disciplines of the contemporary world.

Education Requirements

List of documents

Set of documents

  • photo file which will be used when generating the personal questionnaire
  • a scan of the Matura certificate
  • a scan of the supplement to the Matura certificate - applies to candidates who have increased the the Matura exam score or have taken the Matura exam in additional subjects
  • a scan of the IB diploma - applies to graduates of schools belonging to the International Baccalaureate Organization (IB)
  • a scan, of the certificate issued by the organisational committee of a given olympiad or competition - applies to candidates who are the laureats and finalists of olympiads and competitions
  • a scan of statement by a statutory representative - applies to candidates under 18


Faculty of English

University Professor, Ryszard Bartnik, PhD, email:

Address: Collegium Heliodori, room 359

+48 61 829 3774


Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań


ul. Wieniawskiego 1
61-712 Poznań, Poland

phone: +48 61 829 4434, +48 61 829 4442

Study programmes