Master of Arts in English Studies: Language and Communication in Healthcare


Area of Studies

languages and philological sciences



Degree (in English)


  • English
Tuition and Other Fees

Tuition Fee 3000 PLN

Application Deadline(s)

5.07. 2023

Course Description

Course Profile

“According to Eurostat data, Poland has the lowest number of practising  doctors per 1 000 population (2.4) in the EU, and the number of nurses (5.1 per 1 000 population) is also among the lowest.” (from OECD report: State of Health in the EU. Poland: Country Health Profile 2021)

In this context, the efforts of medical professionals should urgently be supported by experts in healthcare communication and health promotion. Moreover, healthcare systems inadvertently need the support of experts in the efficient communication of information about health and healthcare: health promotors, interpreters, medical journalists, patient advocates, administrators of patient portals and people engaged in applying for grants to finance the development of healthcare systems.

Language and communication in healthcare is an interdisciplinary two-year English-language MA programme in medical humanities. It focuses on effective and empathetic communication for health and quality of life. The programme is co-taught by healthcare experts (academics and practitioners) and is suited to BA/BSc and MA/MSc graduates with a good command of English (B2 CEFR level).

You will learn:

  • why language-based communication is important in care provision
  • how to effectively communicate in healthcare – how to talk and how to listen 
  • how to make specialist language accessible to non-experts 
  • how to heal with the help of art
  • how to promote good health practices 
  • how to support communication with vulnerable adults 
  • how to facilitate communication with the patient from a different culture

The programme includes:

  • workshops in applying modern technologies in healthcare contexts, audio description and drama techniques for medical training
  • internships in healthcare institutions

 MA in Language and Communication in Healthcare is a possible first step towards:

  • specialised translation studies
  • BA and MA studies in Biology and health at AMU’s Faculty of Biology
  • postgraduate studies at AMU or PUMS
  • doctoral studies at AMU or other universities in Poland and abroad

Example of courses

  • Medicine and healthcare in popular culture and literature
  • Healthcare communication across cultures
  • Medical anthropology in global perspective
  • Language and communication in psychotherapy
  • Introduction to medical translation
  • Audio description for persons with sight loss
  • Theatre for standardised/simulated-patient medical training
  • Modern technologies for healthcare

Graduate competencies

  • an excellent command of English (in speaking and writing)
  • the skill to talk about health using accessible language
  • the ability to communicate empathetically and effectively
  • “soft skills”: creativity, communicative efficiency and critical thinking
  • the ability to offer support in crisis situations
  • a sensitive and open attitude to vulnerable individuals and groups

Career prospects

  • interpreter accompanying the patient
  • medical journalist
  • health educator
  • art therapist
  • patient's assistant
  • communication expert supporting people with disabilities
Education Requirements

List of documents

Set of documents

  • photo file which will be used when generating the personal questionnaire
  • a scan of university diploma


Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań


ul. Wieniawskiego 1
61-712 Poznań, Poland

phone: +48 61 829 4434, +48 61 829 4442

Study programmes